Technical nitrogen production unit was put into operation in 2000, in 2006 modernization of a control system of airdividing station AAZh-0,6M was made and the airdividing installation A-1,2 was put into operation.
The nitric station is intended for production of gaseous and liquid nitrogen.
Design capacity of airdividing installation AAZh-0,6M is – 550 m3/hour of gaseous nitrogen or 35 kg/h of liquid nitrogen and 500 m3/hour of gaseous nitrogen. Airdividing installation A-1,2 is intended for production: - 1200 m3/h of nitrogen gaseous in accordance with GOST 9293.
Gaseous nitrogen is used for creation of the inert environment and increasing safety at the production, storage and transportation of products, which easily are oxidized. Liquid nitrogen is used as coolant, and after gasification it is used as well as gaseous nitrogen.
purification of atmospheric air from impurity;
compression of atmospheric air;
consecutive cooling of compressed atmospheric air;
liquefaction of compressed atmospheric air;
low-temperature rectification of atmospheric air with receiving nitrogen.
Technological process of receiving nitrogen is developed by the “Kislorodmash” JSC, Odessa.
The project of nitric station is developed by the general designer of the “Nizhegorodniinefteproyekt” JSC.
The technological scheme of the unit provides its operation in the mode of production of gaseous nitrogen under pressure;
distance control;
automatic control of separate contours.