The unit "mechanical treatment facilities" (MTF) consists of the oil trap "REX" capacity of 24.0 thousand m3 / day, which was built and put into operation in 1945 and mechanical treatment facilities with capacity of 12.0 thousand m3 / day, which was put into operation in 1973. At the treatment faсilities the raw material is industrial wastewater of technological units, containing water runoff, oil and oil products, mechanical impurities, as well as industrial and stormwater runoff from areas of the refinery and household domestic waste water.
Treatment facilities consist of receiving chambers, emergency barn, sand trap, four-section oil separators, ponds of additional sedimentation, flotation unit and pumping stations.
Industrial runoff, industrial and storm water runoff, sulfur-alkaline in total mixture from units of the refinery come into the receptacle of industrial waste water (pos. 119 / 9a) through rainwater drainage. The design of rainwater drainage allows passing through itself a certain amount of waste, in the case of excessive and volley inflow, runoff redirected to the emergency barn.
Further industrial runoff is pumped to the sand trap. Sand traps (pos. 119/1) are used for catching bulk of rough mechanical impurity of a mineral origin, coming with wastewater to treatment facilities.
After release from rough mechanical impurity, waste waters come into reception (distribution) chambers (pos. 119 / 2a / b), destined for even distribution of total flow from sand traps on the chambers of oil separators. Four-section oil separator (pos. 119 / 3a, 119 / 3b) and "ponds of additional sedimentation " (PDS) are used for cleaning through sludge, trapping light oil compounds from surfaces of containers.
Also at the final stage of mechanical treatment waste water passes flotation cleaning. Separated water and flocculant of the type NALCO 71305 are added to flotators for better separation of oil products from water. Captured oil products fall in oil gathering trays, then oil products come into the container of collecting trapped oil, and it pumped into the collection tank of trapped oil with volume of 1000 cubic meters, whereupon collected oil product is additionally trimmed, then it sent to the workshop №4 for recycling. Treated water is pumped to the unit "biological treatment facilities" by pumps.